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Finding Spiritual Direction

Chip Richter tells us in one of his delightful tunes, “You’ll never be lost in Lakeside if you know this song.” The rhythm then picks up, and Chip sings the names of all the “tree” streets (plus Central!) beginning with Oak and proceeding to Poplar. It’s true—if you can remember Chip’s song, you can find your way.

Don’t you wish that finding our way on our spiritual journey was as simple as finding our way in Lakeside? Unfortunately, life often doesn’t work that way. Over time, our experiences—both good and bad—can obscure our vision until we lose track of where we are going.

As part of Lakeside’s commitment to nurturing mind, body and spirit, we are pleased to offer a program in Spiritual Direction. Spiritual Direction is a ministry that focuses on caring for the soul and helping searching souls to find their way.

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