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2024 Keynote Speakers

The popular Keynote Speaker Series returns this summer with 10 guests coming to Lakeside to discuss interesting topics in their fields. All lectures are in Hoover Auditorium at 7:30 p.m., unless otherwise noted. Kaira RoudaThursday, June 13 — Rouda is an award-winning USA Today and Amazon Charts bestselling contemporary fiction author. Her first book, Real You … Read more

Happy Valentine’s Day! Happy Ash Wednesday?

By Rev. Dr. Charles YoostSenior Director of Religious Life & Pastoral Care Although in some parts of the country, spring is “right around the corner,” at Lakeside we still have weeks (months?) to go before the daffodils poke their heads through the ground and the tulips blossom. However, a bright spot for all of us … Read more