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Lakesider News

A Thanksgiving Message from Lakeside Chautauqua

“O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” Psalm 136:1

One hundred and fifty years ago, four farsighted people stood on the shore of Lake Erie where Hotel Lakeside stands today and envisioned a place “distinctive in its character” where folks could gather to be renewed in body, mind and spirit. That place evolved into the Lakeside Chautauqua we know and love today.

Many people pride themselves on their family’s longevity at Lakeside. In Psalm 136, the only fully antiphonal psalm in the Hebrew Scripture, the psalmist proclaims that God’s steadfast love endures forever, and God is faithful from generation to generation.

Last summer, Bishop David Wilson reminded us that Native American elders traditionally made decisions based on how they would affect the next seven generations. As Thanksgiving approaches, let us reflect upon the decision made seven generations ago to create a place called Lakeside and the faithfulness of God to those visionary leaders and to us today. May we take the time to pause in gratitude for our many blessings.

May we also ask ourselves how the decisions we make each day will affect the next seven generations. God’s love will endure, or as Eugene Peterson translates Psalm 136:1 in The Message, “His love never quits!” How about us? Are we tempted to give up on our relatives and friends? Will we remain faithful, and will our decisions create a better world for our children’s children and their descendants as well?

Being appreciative and expressing gratitude makes the world a better place. May we be thankful people this Thanksgiving Day and every day!

With gratitude,

Rev. Dr. Charles Yoost
Senior Director of Religious Life & Pastoral Care


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