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Lakesider News

Catholic Mass to be Celebrated at Lakeside

During the coming Chautauqua season, Lakeside’s Religious Life pillar will be offering a Roman Catholic Mass each Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the Train Station beginning June 9. The celebrant will be the Rev. James Peiffer, who is no stranger to Lakeside. As he is affectionately known, “Father Jim” has served parishes in the Toledo Diocese and is currently engaged in part-time liturgical ministry at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Marblehead. A resident of Catawba Island, he enjoys traveling, music and history, especially local church history.

In recent years Father Jim has developed a special interest in and appreciation for the Lakeside Chautauqua community. “I am looking forward to celebrating a weekly Catholic Mass at the Train Station to respond to the spiritual needs of Catholic staff and visitors, as well as to warmly welcome all Lakesiders and others who wish to attend,” Peiffer said.

“I am excited to extend the ministry of Lakeside Chautauqua in this way and look forward to working with Father Jim and all who will benefit by his ministry with us,” said Rev. Dr. Charles Yoost, Senior Director of Religious Life and Pastoral Care.


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