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Devotions for these times: Hold on to hope!

Staff blogger: The Rev. Dr. Charles Yoost, Director of Religious Life & Church Outreach

This week’s devotion is based on an excerpt from a book by the popular Texas author and pastor, James W. Moore, who was Lakeside’s Preacher of the Week several summers in the past.

His book is entitled Lord, Give Me Patience!… And Give It to Me Right Now! I thought it seemed especially appropriate for our present circumstances as we grow weary of quarantine and isolation from each other.

“We know that in everything God works for good with those who love God, who are called according to God’s purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

Hope is a necessity for real living, but especially in times like these! As people of faith, we can have the hope and expectation that life will be good again. It may not be the same, but it can be good again.

Hope is belief in possibility. It is not unrealistic optimism that everything will work out and things will be like they were before. It is confidence and faith that however things turn out, God will be with us, God will see us through, and God will bring healing.

Hope comes out of resurrection faith, the faith that no matter how bad things get, God is in the midst working with us for good. That is what Paul was saying in Romans, “In everything God works for good.”   Hold on to your hope!

Prayer:  Lord in these stressful days, make us deeply aware that you have promised us a future that is more glorious than anything we have experienced in the past. Continue to help us to trust in you, in all the circumstances we currently face, and help us to look confidently toward tomorrow. Amen.


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