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Lakesider News

Final Pavilion enhancements underway

Last December, more than 350 Lakesiders opened their hearts and generously gave to support enhancements to the Pavilion on #GivingTuesday! Your combined gifts as a community are appreciated and have truly made a significant impact along the waterfront this summer.

Your generosity has ensured the following improvements at the Pavilion:

  • An ADA accessible ramp to the West Deck. We’re extremely grateful to the Mark & Jane Grindley family whose generous support made this ramp possible
  • Stairs and structural rot has been repaired
  • The latticework on the outside structure is complete, beautifying the exterior of this beloved intergenerational hub
  • Wi-Fi capabilities have been rewired and enhanced to provide you with improved online access from your smart devices
  • The Pavilion clockworks have been replaced and now automatically sync to the carillon time. The new carillon system, which can be controlled onsite as well as from staff smart devices, has been installed. We are immensely grateful to Jan and Ron Dwyer and Norris Lenahan who continued their family’s legacy by stepping forward with a special and meaningful gift to replace the carillon and clock at the Pavilion
  • New LED exterior lighting has been installed, which will increase energy efficiency and improve sustainability

Because of your collective generosity, we were able to accomplish even more enhancements than anticipated. The Pavilion Upper Room has received a complete renovation with:

  • A new HVAC system, which will accommodate Lakeside friends, families, guests and staff to comfortably utilize the space all year long
  • New coastal grade windows to protect the space from the weathering and damage of the coastline
  • A fresh coat of paint
  • New carpeting
  • A new bathroom

The Pavilion and waterfront are near and dear to the Society of Old Salts (S.O.S.) and the Lakeside Wooden Boat Society (LWBS) members. Therefore, these two organizations graciously donated to support improvements to the area. The Lakeside Environmental Stewardship Society (LESS) also gave to help increase energy efficiency and improve sustainability at the Pavilion. We’re truly appreciative of the support from our special Lakeside organizations.

Due to inclement weather and complications imposed by COVID-19, exterior painting and landscaping are still in progress. Contractors’ work schedules and timelines have been affected by COVID-19, which have caused delays in the project’s completion. Thank you for your patience in awaiting the completion of these critical enhancements to this cherished space.

To celebrate the kindness and generosity of the Lakeside community, there will be a Pavilion dedication ceremony over Memorial Day weekend, 2021.

At the ceremony, we will honor the service and dedication of the Rev. Irwin and Janet Jennings by formally naming the ‘The Jennings East Deck.’

We are all so very grateful for the Jennings’ continued service to Lakeside. Special thanks to the families and friends who honored the Rev. Irwin and Janet Jennings through their gifts in support of the Pavilion.


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