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Lakesider News

Finding Spiritual Direction

Chip Richter tells us in one of his delightful tunes, “You’ll never be lost in Lakeside if you know this song.” The rhythm then picks up, and Chip sings the names of all the “tree” streets (plus Central!) beginning with Oak and proceeding to Poplar. It’s true—if you can remember Chip’s song, you can find your way.

Don’t you wish that finding our way on our spiritual journey was as simple as finding our way in Lakeside? Unfortunately, life often doesn’t work that way. Over time, our experiences—both good and bad—can obscure our vision until we lose track of where we are going.

As part of Lakeside’s commitment to nurturing mind, body and spirit, we are pleased to offer a program in Spiritual Direction. Spiritual Direction is a ministry that focuses on caring for the soul and helping searching souls to find their way.

Spiritual Direction is not therapy, and it’s not problem solving. But through Spiritual Direction, we offer compassionate listening and we seek to help people find their way to their spiritual home.

The Rev. Sharon Seyfarth Garner, Ginny Pippin and the Rev. Tom Frost have agreed to serve as Lakeside’s Spiritual Directors this season. All three have been specially trained in the art of spiritual listening and direction.

Lakeside is pleased to introduce our Spiritual Directors for the 2020 season.

The Rev. Sharon Seyfarth Garner, Director & Founder of Belly of the Whale Spiritual Direction & Retreat Ministries, is a United Methodist pastor (ordained in 1997), certified Spiritual Director (Ignatian Spirituality Institute), retreat leader and author (Praying with Mandalas: A Colorful, Contemplative Practice and Mandalas, Candles and Prayer: A Simply Centered Advent). The Rev. Seyfarth Garner considers it a personal joy and professional privilege to listen deeply as a Spiritual Director and to serve as a spiritual companion with folks seeking a deeper awareness of God’s presence in daily life.

Ginny Pippin is a certified Spiritual Director and attended the Ignatian Spirituality Institute at John Carroll University. She holds an advanced certificate in pastoral ministry from Notre Dame College and has a degree in theology. Combining this with her experience as a business owner, she now coaches C-level executives and is the Director of the Ignatian Volunteer Corps. Pippin has been a Spiritual Director and retreat leader since 2001 and has walked with many seeking God in all things.

The Rev. Tom Frost entered ministry as a United Methodist pastor in 2009 after a 27-year career practicing law. As part of his D.Min. studies at Wesley Theological Seminary in 2016, the Rev. Frost became interested in Ignatian spirituality and the ways that John Wesley and Ignatius of Loyola both sought to combine faith and action in their spiritual journeys.

The Rev. Frost is currently participating in the Spiritual Guidance Program at the Shalem Institute in Washington, D.C. He is passionate about helping people to discover that even the most ordinary parts of life can become extraordinary when we discover God’s presence in all things.

The Spiritual Direction program continues through the entire season. Because of the specialized character of this ministry, a fee ordinarily would be charged for this service. Due to a special donation that has been made, we are pleased to offer the first session of Spiritual Direction at no cost.

Are you interested in learning more about this ministry? Contact (419) 798-4461, ext. 214 to request a confidential appointment. Let us provide a companion for your journey and help you find your way.


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