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Lakesider News

Important Message from the Board: Presidential Announcement

The Lakeside Association Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Daniel J. Rogers as Lakeside Chautauqua’s next President & CEO and President of the Lakeside Chautauqua Foundation, effective August 10.

Rogers is a skilled senior leader with a broad background in leading complex non-profit organizations that provide programming and assistance to poor, underprivileged and homeless populations.

He combines his extensive business experience with a genuine love and curiosity of people and humbly describes himself as a servant leader, intent on nurturing relationships within the community while working with and developing his staff.

Rogers most recently served as President & CEO of Cherry Street Mission Ministries of Toledo from 2005-2019, where he developed the strategic direction of the organization, fostered community partnerships and led significant fundraising efforts. Cherry Street provides more than food, clothing and shelter for the poor, underprivileged and homeless, it is a ministry built around one-on-one mentorship and focused on who a person is, rather than what a person has become.

His vision led to the development of Cherry Street’s Life Revitalization Center, a $13 million facility housed in a former Toledo vocational high school. Programs are aimed at the reversal of poverty and bringing an end to homelessness in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.

During his tenure, Cherry Street grew into an $8 million non-profit organization that increased its ministry presence from three buildings to 17 and was recognized nationally as a successful model for innovative community partnerships.

In 2019, Rogers left his position to pursue the founding of Straightline Solutions, an organization that assists communities and non-profits in the cultivation of robust cultures through coaching, consulting and developing people.

Prior to his leadership at Cherry Street and Straightline Solutions, Rogers served as founder and lead pastor of an independent Christian Church and started his career as a teacher. He earned his Bachelor’s in Theology, Psychology and Behavioral Science from Mount Vernon Nazarene College.

Rogers is an author, TEDx presenter and the recipient of the Jefferson Award for Public Service. He received the Lifetime Achievement Award from Toledo area’s Entrepreneurial and Business Excellence Hall of Fame and was presented the Courage Award for Ohio from Governor John Kasich.

He is an authentic, warm person who is dedicated to leading and developing staff and the Lakeside community. To underscore his commitment to the community, Rogers plans to reside in Lakeside. He brings the depth of experience, understanding of human nature and superb leadership qualities that Lakeside desires to lead us into our 150th year and beyond.

“What an honor to be selected as Lakeside Chautauqua’s next President & CEO,” says Rogers. “The rich tradition of Lakeside, along with the dynamics of the four pillars, provides a depth of opportunity seldom seen in a lifetime. I’m thrilled beyond words to work alongside Dan Dudley, the team of Lakeside and the Board of Directors to imagine, together, a vibrant and sustained future for generations to come.”

“I am excited to work with a leader of the caliber of Dan Rogers to shape the future of Lakeside,” says Dan Dudley, Lakeside Chautauqua Acting President & CFO/COO. “He brings great skills to the management team and staff that truly complement the existing team. I speak for the entire staff when I say that we look forward to helping Dan create a renewed vision for Lakeside and the community over the coming years.”

Please help us welcome Daniel Rogers to Lakeside by attending our ‘Meet the President’ events, held 6-7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 10 and 1-2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 15 at the Steele Memorial Bandstand. Masks are required. Please practice safe social distancing.

Thank you for your support as we drive forward together.


Kurt Geisheimer
Lakeside Association Board of Directors, Chair

Tom Jones
Lakeside Chautauqua Foundation Board of Directors, Chair

Presidential Search Committee Summary

Over the past eight months, the Lakeside Association Board of Directors’ Presidential Search Committee conducted a thorough, thoughtful and deliberative search, meeting 11 times between November and July, with additional meetings to interview search firms and the final candidates.

The Search Committee engaged in meaningful discussion and deliberation at each key juncture, first to develop the desired traits and experience of Lakeside Chautauqua’s next President & CEO and then to evaluate candidates ultimately interviewed by the Committee.

The Committee members thank the Association Board of Directors for the confidence placed in them, as they recognize that their service on the Search Committee is the most important work that each of them will do for Lakeside during their tenure on the Board.

The Presidential Search Committee

In November 2019, the Association Board constituted a Presidential Search Committee and authorized this group to interview and recommend to the Board a candidate to serve as Lakeside Chautauqua’s President & CEO. The Board confirmed the following members of the Search Committee, with these persons reflecting a broad representation of Lakeside’s community and providing a cross section of perspectives:

  • Kurt Geisheimer, Association Board Chair and past Foundation Board member
  • Rev. Larry Brown, Association Board member and Program Committee Chair
  • John Fleischer, Lakeside Property Owners Association (LPOA) representative to the Association Board
  • Rev. Karen Graham, Association Board member and Pastor of the Lakeside United Methodist Church
  • Bob Grimm, Association Board Vice Chair and Guest Experience Committee Chair
  • Tom Jones, Foundation Board Chair and Association Board member
  • Don Leach, Association Board member and Municipal Services Committee Chair
  • Randy Snow, Foundation Board member and past Association Board and Foundation Board Chair
  • Yvette Van Riper, Association Board member and Board Secretary

Additionally, Dale Knobel, past Foundation Board and Association Board Chair, was appointed to serve as a part-time consultative member of the Search Committee.

The Association Board also authorized the Committee to select and engage a professional firm to assist with the candidate search.

Development of President & CEO Position Description and Engagement of Search Consultant

During the months of November-February, the Search Committee’s focus was to interview Board, staff and community stakeholders and gather input on key skills and traits desired in a new President & CEO. The following interviews were conducted during this time:

  • All members of the Association Board
  • Senior Staff
  • Vice President Staff
  • LPOA representative
  • Lakeside Heritage Society representative
  • Lakeside Environmental Stewardship Society representative
  • Lakeside Wooden Boat Society representative
  • Tree Advisory Board representative
  • Five resident donors
  • Two past Association Board Chairs
  • Jonathan Jerdan, Executive Coach previously engaged by Lakeside
  • One past Lakeside leadership employee

The Committee also conducted interviews of potential search consultants and ultimately selected Montague and Associates, with Mary Lee Montague, Principal.

By February, the Search Committee developed and finalized the President & CEO position description.

The Search and Final Interviews

The formal search was launched in early March and continued through mid-July. More than 200 candidates were identified by Montague and Associates through their professional network, referrals from Lakesiders and staff, and applications received on our Presidential Search page.

The Committee provided updates on its progress to the Association Board/Executive Committee and the community from December 2019-July 2020 with the goal of delivering the final candidate for approval at the August Association Board meeting.

This afternoon, the Association Board approved Daniel J. Rogers as Lakeside Chautauqua’s President & CEO and President of the Lakeside Chautauqua Foundation. The Association Board, Foundation Board and the staff are excited to share this new venture with him.

We enjoyed our work and thank the community for its support throughout this process.


The Presidential Search Committee


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