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Lakesider News

Lakeside Awarded $912,475 in Ohio Arts Economic Relief Grant

Arts organizations are vital to the community and bolster the economy in our region. Ohio recently announced the release of more than $45 million to support arts across our state.

“Thriving arts programs are a sign of a vibrant and prosperous community,” said Gov. Mike DeWine. “By supporting the arts, we’re nurturing the very spirit of innovation, unity and self-expression that has made Ohio the heart of opportunity for residents and visitors alike.”

This past spring, the Lakeside team spent significant time applying for the Ohio Arts Economic Relief Grant and will receive $912,475, which will help with operating costs, related facility improvements, employee compensation, recruitment, rehiring, training expenses, and rent or mortgage payments.

The staff has been meeting in partnership with the Finance Committee to review the specific expenses that would be covered. We will continue to keep the community up to date as we work with the state on the grant allocation.

The grant program was created in partnership with the Ohio General Assembly as part of a bill sponsored by Sen. George Lang (R-West Chester). This legislation later became House Bill 45.

More than $45 million in funding was awarded to Ohio’s arts organizations. The first round awarded over $23 million to 139 organizations, round two offered $20 million to 104 organizations, and the third round awarded $2.4 million to 16 organizations, including Lakeside Chautauqua.

We thank the Lakeside Team for their work on the grant application, including V.P. of Programming Jeannie Fleming-Gifford, V.P. of Finance Sam Chelliah, V.P. of Advancement & Marketing Gretchen Colon and the Advancement Team. We were notified of the opportunity through our work with the Ohio Arts Council.

“These investments extend far beyond individual organizations,” said Lydia Mihalik, Director of the Ohio Department of Development. “The arts are crucial to creating an economy that attracts top talent, new investments and tourism for our communities.”

Lakeside continues to proactively build relationships with organizations to seek grant opportunities that support our programs, facilities and grounds.


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