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Lakesider News

Lakeside Staff Joins Health & Wellness Challenges

Lakeside SidewalkThe importance of health and wellness is a movement that has spread across the country. It’s also integral to our Lakeside mission and vision of nurturing mind, body and spirit.

In celebration of this and in the spirit of New Year resolutions, our Lakeside Chautauqua staff has rallied around two health and wellness challenges.

On January 25, more than 12 full-time employees committed to a healthier lifestyle and will be competing in a weight loss challenge and a 1 million steps challenge.

For the weight loss challenge, the staff is encouraged to eat healthier and exercise. We’ll track their progress with weekly weigh-ins that will calculate the percentage of weight loss.

The full-time staff is also setting out to join the 1 Million Step Club and walk 500 miles in 90-180 days. To put that into perspective, walking 1 million steps is like walking from Lakeside to St. Louis, Mo.

In the summer, it’d be easy to walk the distance, but it’ll be an extra challenge during the winter months. To keep the staff motivated, they’re using Fitbits, smartphone apps or pedometers to track their achievements.

As our staff takes part in these health and wellness challenges, we encourage you to challenge your own family to live a healthier lifestyle over the next few months.

We’ll be highlighting the staff’s milestones and sharing healthy recipes with you on our blog, as well as tips and tricks to reach 1 million steps.

Visit The Front Porch blog to read more about our health and wellness challenges, to leave encouraging comments for our staff or to share your own healthy lifestyle successes.


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