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Lakesider News

Lakeside Volunteers: Dottie McDowell helps beautify Daisy Garden

By Kevin Greer
Lakeside Communications Manager

Dottie McDowell had an interest in the Daisy Garden from the time it was established by Sid Foster next to the old pump house on Lakeside’s waterfront near Perry Park in 2000. When weeds started to pop and take away some of its beauty about 10 years later, she wanted to do something.

“I spoke up and said I would be willing to work on that if I wasn’t stepping on Sid’s toes,” McDowell said. “After I got the go-ahead, I enlisted my son and his wife and my sister and her husband, and we got a lot of the weeds out. I’ve been weeding that garden ever since.”

The daisies start to bloom in May, so that’s when McDowell starts pulling weeds. She said she puts in approximately 56 hours a year taking care of the garden. There was an instance when she saw a photo of the garden posted on Facebook that had a dandelion in it, so she went to work.

“I guess I’m kind of taking personal responsibility and pressure by taking care of the garden,” McDowell said.

That may not be for much longer. McDowell is working with Lakeside Vice President of Advancement & Marketing Gretchen Colon on an endowment for the Grounds Team to take over responsibilities at the garden. McDowell hopes to raise $80,000 so that every year, roughly 3% of the money will go to the garden and an employee’s salary will be partially covered to take the time to take care of it.

“I’ll be around to help and educate them about this wonderful, endangered species that we’re fortunate to have right here in Lakeside,” McDowell said.

McDowell inherited the cottage her parents bought in 1954. She grew up in Akron and after a few years living in Hanover, Pennsylvania, with her husband, they moved back to Ohio and started to spend more time in Lakeside.

She volunteered her time at the Rhein Center, but hasn’t done that since the beginning of the pandemic. For over two decades, she and her husband, who was a horticulturalist, were instrumental in helping prevent the spread of the highly destructive and invasive garlic mustard at Magee Marsh, one of her favorite places to go bird watching. She noticed it growing in Lakeside, south of Fifth Street, in Chautauqua Park and in some yards, and has been doing her best to keep it from becoming a problem.

“My husband felt that if you pull the garlic mustard and got it out of an area, it could be controlled,” McDowell said. “It’s pretty ugly and crowds out other wildflowers. If you don’t pull it out, it will just take over everything.”

McDowell said Fran Rodstrom, her family and friends have helped significantly in getting rid of garlic mustard. On one occasion, McDowell went up to the park to pull the weeds only to find Rodstrom and her group finished the job.

“They did it all and that’s what I’d always hoped,” McDowell said. It was really nice. I was very happy to see somebody else take over a job like that. Sometimes you set an example, and somebody picks it up.”

Even though McDowell is in her early 80s, she’s not slowing down her volunteering and contributions to Lakeside.

“I’m feeling as good or better than I have in the past year,” she said. “I have no reason to think that I won’t be able to continue to that.”

The Lakesider would like to recognize Lakesiders for the volunteer work that goes unnoticed. If you would like to be recognized or know someone who should, send an email to ke***@la**********.com or call 419-798-4461, ext. 331.


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