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Lakesider News

Share Your Memories in the Time Capsule

Time capsules are a way to capture a moment in time and share that moment with a future generation.

The Sesquicentennial Steering Committee accepted the gracious offer of Lakesider Lee Mader to create this beautiful time capsule. It preserves specific items that reflect an American treasure known as Lakeside Chautauqua. It also includes thoughts from today’s Lakesiders to future Lakesiders sharing hopes and visions for becoming.

If you could travel in time to Lakeside’s Bicentennial, what would you say to a future Lakesider?

We invite you to write a letter sharing your hopes and dreams about the future of Lakeside. The letter will be included in this time capsule to be opened on Lakeside’s 200th Anniversary in the year 2073. The letter should be on 8.5” x 11” paper, and both the front and back may be used. You may also include a 4” x 6” photo. Limit one letter/photo per individual or family.

Please bring your letter/photo to the Lakeside Heritage Society Archives at 210 Walnut Avenue no later than Friday, Aug. 25, 2023, to be included in the time capsule sealing at the Closing Ceremony. Do not fold or seal the letter/photo. A copy of the letter/photo will be kept on file at the Archives and the original placed in the capsule.

Our youngest Lakesiders are also invited to contribute Time Capsule memories. Heritage Hall Museum, located at 238 Maple Ave., has a supply of postcards for children to write about what they love about Lakeside.  The postcards will be included in the capsule with a copy kept on file at the Archives.

Mader designed and built this time capsule and accompanying stand as an ultimate expression of his love of Lakeside. His creation was based on the decision for the capsule to be on display versus being placed in the ground.

This past winter, Mader spent months measuring twice and cutting the wood once for the various parts of the capsule and stand. Of special note are the dark pieces of walnut at the front center and two sides of the capsule. Also, pieces of a Lakeside white oak tree comprise the rest of the capsule and represent a perfect example of Lakeside recycling. The plexiglass cover was donated by the Grindley family.


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