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Lakesider News

Support Life-Changing Lakeside Moments

Guest Blogger: Bill Drackett, Lakeside Chautauqua Foundation, Chair

w.9Lakeside Chautauqua holds a special place in the hearts of so many because of its mission to nurture the mind, body and spirit. Special moments happen every day in Lakeside…

  • A peaceful walk along Ohio’s Most Beautiful Mile
  • The sounds of the Lakeside Symphony Orchestra
  • A creative art class that you took with a friend
  • A spectacular performance on the stage of Hoover
  • Inspiring educational lectures or worship services
  • Family picnics in the park
  • Ice cream, donuts and other summer treats
  • Your moment _____________________________

These moments are short amounts of time, but they become invaluable over the course your life. They come in many forms – the time you finally let the stress roll off your shoulders when you entered the gates; when you grew spiritually after an inspirational worship service or discussion; when you found a creative spark at a Rhein Center class you never knew you had; or when you listened to a lecture and found that you aren’t alone in a life experience.

These life-changing moments are Lakeside’s mission. You and your family need this enriching Lakeside experience, and Lakeside needs you. You’re invited to give a gift to support the Lakeside Fund. 

Just as many Lakesiders came together significantly during the Pool & Wellness Campaign, we need this level of collaboration and support for the Lakeside Fund each year.

Because the gate fee covers a percentage of the annual budget, we count on you and your family’s generosity to support and care for our Chautauqua program, beautiful gardens and historic buildings, all of which are essential to the Lakeside experience we love.

Your support is critical and we need you more than ever to make sure we do not have to cut any of those treasured aspects of the Lakeside experience.

Here’s how to help: 

  • Make an online donation today or before December 31.
  • Call (419) 798-5396 to give a gift over the phone.
  • Make a check payable to the ‘Lakeside Chautauqua Foundation,’ Attn: Lakeside Moments, 236 Walnut Ave., Lakeside, Ohio 43440 with ‘Lakeside Moments’ in the memo line.
  • Share our Lakeside Facebook page with friends and family.
  • Encourage your friends and family to sign up for our e-newsletter.
  • Share the Lakeside Calendar with a friend and invite them to a program, event or activity this summer.

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