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Lakesider News

The Five Senses of a Summer at Lakeside

Guest Blogger: Hallie Parker, Lakesider

Lakeside is a special place where I get to spend the summer. It awakens the five senses.

I hear the waves crashing against the rocks, shuffleboard discs sliding down the court, and golf carts beeping as they back up.

I see colorful sailboats zipping across Lake Erie, fireworks blasting through the night sky, and paint splattered on easels at the Rhein Center for the Arts.

I smell fragrant flowers growing in the gardens, skunks roaming the streets at night, and the mouth-watering smell of Sloopy’s pizza.

I taste delicious, cold Whistle Stop ice cream, scrumptious rainbow sprinkles on Patio donuts, and tasty candy from Marilyn’s.

I feel sticky ice cream dripping down the cone onto my hand, the smooth wings of mayflies as I pick them up and throw them at my cousins, and the beat of the music in my chest from the band at Hoover Auditorium.

Lakeside is my favorite place in the summer to treat my eyes, my ears, my nose, my fingers, and my taste buds! There is no place like Lakeside.


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