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Lakesider News

World Affairs Dialogue

At the end of the 2017 Chautauqua season, Jeff Dieterich announced his retirement as moderator of the Foreign Affairs Forum. Jeff began the Forum, has been the only person to lead it, and was uniquely qualified to do so based on his Foreign Service experience. It is only fitting that the title of the program retires with him as well.

For the upcoming season, the Education Department is planning to coordinate a World Affairs Dialogue. This program will take place at the same time as the Forum did (Fridays at 3:00 p.m.) and will allow attendees the opportunity to participate in discussion about current happenings in the world. Pre-set ground rules will be established and followed at each session.   

For the initial season, the position of Moderator for the World Affairs Dialogue is open to anyone with a solid understanding of current international and domestic issues and the ability to facilitate a group with fairness and professionalism. Based on interest, qualified candidates will serve as Guest Moderators throughout the season.

Anyone with an interest in being considered for the role of Guest Moderator needs to send an email to Jeanne Mauriocourt, Director of Educational Programs, at by April 1.


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