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Lakesider News

Mahls Encourage Giving

Staff Blogger: Mallory Glenn, Advancement/Communications Intern

Tim and Cindy Mahl are sitting on their new porch as their three fluffy spaniels of varying shades skitter about, occasionally jumping into their laps or barking at squirrels. While they’re currently permanent residents of Avon, Ohio, the Mahls explain that Lakeside is where they feel most at home.

“We love the sense of community in Lakeside,” said Cindy. “Here, it’s easy to find things in common with people and start a conversation. We’re looking forward to making this our year-round home.”

From the approachable atmosphere, to the quaint Fourth of July celebrations, there is a host of reasons that motivate the Mahls to not only live in Lakeside, but to provide financial support as well.

“Tim’s company has a matching gift program, and we take advantage of this,” said Cindy. “When we donate to the Lakeside Annual Fund, his company will match our gift. I encourage others to investigate whether the companies they work for have matching gift programs.”

The couple also enjoys giving to Lakeside because of the various options of supporting the programs, building and grounds, and the organizational transparency that allows donors to direct what their gift goes toward. Donors can indicate that they want to support the lakefront, religious programming, youth activities, wellness or any other aspect of the grounds or programming they love.

“There’s a lot of tangible things we see our money going towards,” said Tim. “Pick what you’re passionate about in Lakeside, direct your dollars towards that area and you can see it make a difference.”

Additionally, the Mahls’ positive opinions about supporting Lakeside were reaffirmed after they listened to the Master Plan.

“I like that we’re not just thinking in the moment,” Cindy said. “We’re thinking ahead so that we can leave another 140-year legacy.”

“Recreation is one of our pillars, so the Grindley Aquatic & Wellness Campus not only appeals to younger people, but also furthers our mission,” said Tim. “We’re ensuring the future of Lakeside, while also making it dynamic for the present.”

Their next door neighbor steps out of his house, whistling, and upon seeing them, grins and arcs his hand into a buoyant wave. He retrieves a small trowel and continues whistling as he tends to his garden. A little girl with blonde hair teeters by on a pink bicycle, training wheels freshly off, and one of the spaniels lets out a small bark.

“Being here reminds me of when I was a kid,” said Tim.

He pauses briefly and smiles as children’s laughter trickles in through the window with the noonday sun.

“It just makes you feel good.”

For more information about how you can support Lakeside, contact (419) 798-4461, ext. 246 or ad*********@la**********.com.


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