Lakesider News

Lakeside Safety Tips

To ensure the safety of all guests, we invite you to share the following safety tips with a new friend or young Lakesider.

  • The speed limit in Lakeside is 15 mph. Stop signs mean Stop and One Way signs means One Way. This applies to all forms of transportation, including bikes, golf carts, cars, skateboards, scooters, etc.
  • Only licensed drivers may drive golf carts. One safety belt per person is required.
  • Some areas in Lakeside are for pedestrians only, such as Walnut Plaza, the lakefront path, the Dock and Bettinger Park. Wheelchairs, strollers and children’s wagons are welcome.
  • Only motor vehicles and golf carts that satisfy the requirements of the law and have a valid permit from the Association may operate on the Lakeside grounds.
  • Electric bicycles must have a permanently affixed label in a prominent location that specifies whether they are Class 1 (pedal-assist bikes with no throttle/max 20 mph), Class 2 (throttle assist/max 20 mph), or Class 3 (pedal assist/max 28 mph).
  • Only people ages 16+ are permitted to operate a Class 3 electric bicycle. No person shall operate or be a passenger on a Class 3 electric bicycle unless the person is wearing a protective helmet.
  • Electric scooters and electric personal assistive mobility devices must always yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians and human-powered vehicles.
  • Electric scooters and electric personal assistive mobility devices must give an audible signal before overtaking and passing a pedestrian.
  • Lakeside is a non-smoking community. Smoking of tobacco products and the use of alternative nicotine products are prohibited in Lakeside except within a structure on a lessee’s property.
  • Consumption of alcohol is permitted only within the lessee’s property in Lakeside.

This is an abridged list of the Lakeside Rules & Regulations. The full document is posted at For questions, call Lakeside’s Safety Services at 419-635-6030. Thanks for creating a safe Lakeside


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